Thursday, February 23, 2017

ODI Coding Standards for OBIA 11.1.1.x

Below are the areas in Oracle Data Integrator where developers need to strictly follow the Oracle BI Apps standards for better code readability and troubleshooting.

5.Column Mapping Properties
6.Interface Standards
7.Translation Mapping Standards
8.Domain Staging Standards
9.All BIAPPS Tables Standards
10.Standards to Short cut the Task , LKP Temp Interface and Datastores

1.     Knowledge Modules Standards

ODI Interface -Flow -Source Set - LKM :

For MAIN Interfaces, choose the appropriate LKM for a given Source and Target combination from the list below:        

Data Warehouse           
Data Warehouse           
Data Warehouse           
BIA Config Manager   
Data Warehouse           
Data Warehouse           
Data Warehouse           
BIA Config Manager      

For TEMPORARY interfaces, the LKM should be NULL since temporary target will be created on the same source instance.

ODI Interface -Flow -Target Set - IKM :

For Temp Interface:
Always IKM BIAPPS SQL Control Append
For MAIN Interface:
All SDEs except Persistent Staging and Class Dimension Staging - IKM BIAPPS SQL Control Append
Persistent Staging and Class Dimension Staging - IKM BIAPPS Oracle Incremental Update

2.     Filters Standards

Try to use filters in Temp interfaces itself rather than using filters on temp interface columns in any other interface
Do not combine different filter logic in single filter. Have separate filters for each logic
SDE  Mapping Filter  - Standards:

For Temp Interface:

Ensure you use an ODI Function or UDF rather than a DB specific function in filter expression.
If Filter includes a subquery, always enclose each table name in the sub-query in a QUALIFY() function.

Most instance-specific SDEs include the UDF RUN_INCREMENTAL_FULL() in a filter to identify changed records.

For Main Interface:

Avoid Filters in Main interfaces. If you need to filter OLTP data, try to push the filter into the SQ temp interface. Filters should only be on Lookup results.

SDE Mapping Filter Execute On - Main Interface:

As filters should only be on Lookup results and Lookups should only be to data on a system different from the OLTP (ie flat file or DW table), Execute should be 'Staging' .

Note :This is an exception to the Interface standard of always using 'Source'.

3.     Joins Standards

Joins standards:

Joins should generally only be used in temp interfaces. Try to avoid joins in the Main interface if possible. If you need to join to table in same source system, push to a SQ temp interface. If you need to join to a flat file or table on another system, try to use a lookup in the main interface.

Join Expression Standards:

Avoid using functions or UDFs in the Join expressions.
Join expressions should not have subqueries - these subqueries should be moved to the Filter expression. By implementing in the Join clause, the subquery will be included in the ON clause of the Join. ANSI standards does not allow subqueries in the ON clause of a JOIN. By moving the subquery to a Filter expression, the subquery will be implemented in the WHERE clause.

Join Type Standards:

Use Inner join with join expression as appropriate. If you need to configure an outer join, use Left outer join with join expression, do not use right outer joins. Use the 'left outer join' property, do not use Oracle specific '+' syntax for outer joins in the join expression.
Do not use Cross or Natural join
(Exception - Cross Joins are allowed in the Fusion adaptor as VO's often have View Links which are implemented as cross joins in ODI).

Avoid using functions or UDFs in the Join expression.

4 .    Lookup Standards

Avoid lookups in the Temp interface. If you need to join to data from the same system in a temp interface, use a join to that table. If you need to join data from another system, do a lookup in the main interface.
Lookup Alias Standard:

LKP_<Name of Lookup Table>

If you have multiple lookups to the same table, include usage type as a suffix to the lookup alias. For example, you have multiple lookups to W_USER_D to retrieve a Created by Widand a Changed by Wid. We could name each alias as follows:
Lookup Execute On Standard:

If lookup table is on same system as source table, use 'Source'. Otherwise use 'Staging'.
For example, you would use 'Source' in a SIL when extracting from a Staging table and need to lookup a DW table. You would use 'Staging' when looking up a Flat File or in an SDE when extracting from an OLTP table and you need to lookup data in a DW table.
Lookup Type Standard:

Select 'SQL left-outer join in the from clause.' Only in some very special cases, for performance reasons, should you use 'SQL expression in the select clause'.

5.     Column Mapping Properties

Insert/Update/Active properties are always needs to be checked.

Note: Update option unchecked for ROW_WID,W_INSERT_DT columns.
SDE mapping column properties -UK check box:

Checked for INTEGRATION_ID and DATASOURCE_NUM_ID (and SRC_EFF_FROM_DT if column exists in target) only.
SDE mapping column properties -CN check box:

Checked for INTEGRATION_ID and DATASOURCE_NUM_ID (and SRC_EFF_FROM_DT if column exists in target) only.
SDE mapping column properties -Execute On:

Interface standards:
If column comes from SQ temp interface - Source
If column comes from LKP temp interface - Staging
Datasource Num Id when populated with variable - Staging
Hard coded columns and columns other than datasource_num_id that are populated using variables - Target

6.     Interface Standards

SDE mapping interface name standards:

For Main Interface:

<Package Name>.<Main Interface Target Name>
Name must be unique (within the Adaptor folder)

For Temp Interface:

<Package Name>.<Main Interface Target Name>_SQ_<Base Table Name> OR
<Package Name>.<Main Interface Target Name>_SQ_<Function Name>

Name must be unique (within the Adaptor folder), include SDE and SQ in the name.

7.     Translation Mapping Standards

ODI Dimension Translation Staging Mapping Columns CN - Main Interface:


ODI Dimension Translation Staging Mapping Columns UK - Main Interface:


ODI SDE Source to Warehouse Translation Dimension Staging Filter Expression - Temp Interface:

When extracting from a table that stores translation Records, include a filter on the translation table's 'Language' column that matches the LANGUAGE_LIST variable. This variable is a comma-delimited List variable so quotes are not required (quotes are already included that separate the list items). This variable lists the languages that have been deployed in the data warehouse. Config Manager manages this variable and automatically creates this variable using the language character set used by each OLTP.
<Language Column> IN (#LANGUAGE_LIST)
When the OLTP table does not store translations, there is no need to include this filter.

ODI SDE Source to Warehouse Translation Dimension Staging System Column LANGUAGE_CODE - Main Interface:

UK and CN always checked, and
Mapping Expression:

Execute on Staging.
ODI SDE Source to Warehouse Translation Dimension Staging System Column LANGUAGE_CODE - Temp Interface:

Only required when populating a translation enabled DW table.
When extracting from a Translation table, map to LANGUAGE_CODE column.
If extracting from a table that does not support translations, populate with variable '#LANGUAGE_BASE' - this will force the record we do have available to be used as the source for generating pseudo-translated records for all languages installed in the data warehouse.
Do not hardcode values for LANGUAGE_CODE (ie no 'US' or 'ENU')
Execute on Source.

ODI SDE Source to Warehouse Translation Dimension Staging System Column SRC_LANGUAGE_CODE - Main Interface:

Mapping Expression:

If Source Language Code column not mapped in Temp Interface, the following is acceptable:


Execute On: Staging

ODI SDE Source to Warehouse Translation Dimension Staging System Column SRC_LANGUAGE_CODE - Temp Interface:

For those OLTPs that support pseudo-translation and provide a Source Language column (ie EBS and Fusion but not PSFT), map to this column. If there is no such column, leave blank.

8.     Domain Staging Standards

ODI SDE Source to Warehouse Domain Staging Interface Flow Target IKM - Main Interface:

The Domain Staging table W_DOMAIN_MEMBER_GS is a type of class staging table so should use the same IKM as all class SDEs - IKM BIAPPS Oracle Incremental Update.

ODI SDE Source to Warehouse Domain Staging System Column DOMAIN_CODE - Main Interface:

Mapping Expression = '#DOMAIN_CODE', Execute on Target
Domain Code is a single alphanumeric variable so should be enclosed in single quotes. All Main interface variables except Data Source Num Id should be executed in Target so #DOMAIN_CODE is executed on Target.

ODI SDE Source to Warehouse Domain Staging System Column DOMAIN_MEMBER_CODE - Main Interface:

Use SUBSTRING to get the first 80 characters:
If source column is a number data type, convert to string as follows:
Execute on Source

ODI SDE Source to Warehouse Domain Staging System Column DOMAIN_MEMBER_CODE - Temp Interface:

Map to appropriate source Code column. Execute on 'Staging' or 'Source'.

ODI SDE Source to Warehouse Domain Staging System Column DOMAIN_MEMBER_DEFN_TYPE_CODE - Main Interface :

Mapping Expression = 'E'. Execute on Target

ODI SDE Source to Warehouse Domain Staging System Column DOMAIN_MEMBER_REF_CODE - Main Interface:

Mapping Expression = '__NOT_APPLICABLE__'. Execute on Target

ODI SDE Source to Warehouse Domain Staging System Column DOMAIN_TYPE_CODE - Main Interface:

Mapping Expression = 'S', Execute on Target

ODI SDE Source to Warehouse Domain Staging System Column INTEGRATION_ID - Main Interface:

Mapping Expression:

If Domain Member Code maps to a numeric column in the source then

Execute on Target

ODI SDE Source to Warehouse Domain Staging Target Datastore - Main Interface :

Target datastore is always W_DOMAIN_MEMBER_GS.
ODI Domain Staging Mapping Columns - Temp Interface :

Temp Interface should have the following columns:
•       DOMAIN_MEMBER_CODE - Dataype should match source column's datatype (usually either Varchar or Number)
•       CREATED_BY_ID - VARCHAR2(80)
•       CHANGED_BY_ID - VARCHAR2(80)
•       DELETE_FLG - VARCHAR2(1)


9.     All BIApps tables standards

Standards Description
Resource Name must be unique
Table name must be all UPPER CASE
Flat File sources should be all lower case
Column Name length cannot be over 30 characters
Column Names cannot be duplicated for a given table
Column name must be all UPPER CASE
Tables with ROW_WID must have a sequence
Different sequences cannot reuse the same Native Sequence Name
Native Sequence Name cannot be over 30 characters
Sequence name should match table name with _SEQ or S1W suffix
Native Sequence name should match Sequence name unless it would exceed 30 characters
Sequence type must be 'Native'
Index cannot be defined as Unique and Bitmap
Index must have 'Active' and 'Defined in Database' properties checked
ROW_WID must have a unique index
DATASOURCE_NUM_ID + INTEGRATION_ID must have a unique index
Except for Fact %_WID columns, bitmap indexes should not be used unless approved by the PSR team
non-Teradata specific indexes should be enabled for Oracle

Standards that apply to BIApps table types:

Standards Description
Fact table name length cannot be over 26 characters
Non-Fact table name length cannot be over 30 characters
W_%_TL Tables must have a unique index on INTEGRATION_ID+DATASOURCE_NUM_ID+LANGUAGE_CODE
W_%_T1_D Tables must have a unique index on SCD1_WID
Fact %_WID columns must have a bitmap index

Standards to table column lengths

All WID columns      --NUMBER(10),
All ID columns      -- VARCHAR2(80)
CODE/TYPE/UOM columns -- VARCHAR2(30),
NAME columns  -- VARCHAR2(255),
DESCRIPTION columns  -- VARCHAR2(1000),
Metric columns -NUMBER(28,10),
INTEGRATION_ID column -- VARCHAR2(80) for Dimensions 
                                                   VARCHAR2(320) for Facts .
ETL_PROC_WID column--NUMBER(10),
TENANT_ID column -- VARCHAR2(80)
X_CUSTOM column --VARCHAR2(10)

10.     Standards to Shortcut the Tasks,LKP Temp Interface and Datastores

How to Shortcut Tasks:

When you shortcut a task, you create a copy of the task folder with shortcuts of the package and interfaces within the task folder.
•       Right click the Task folder in the 'Base' adaptor folder and select 'Duplicate with Shortcuts'. This makes a copy in the same Adaptor folder with 'Copy' prepended to the name.
•       Right click the copy, select 'Cut'
•       Right click the next Adaptor folder and select 'Paste'
•       Rename the copy to remove 'Copy' from the task folder's name
•       Generate a scenario for the package as normal. You must select the 'Generate as if shortcuts are materialized' option.
Since the standard for shortcuts is to always 'forward' shortcut, we need to make a shortcut in the next adaptor based on this shortcut we just made.
•       Right click the newly copied Adaptor folder
•       Select 'Duplicate with Shortcuts',
•       Cut and copy into the next Adaptor and rename
•       Follow the steps below to shortcut the corresponding sources used by this task

How to shortcut LKP temp interfaces:

Reusable LKP temp interfaces should be in the 'Interfaces' folder of the Adaptor folder.  Lookups to Reusable LKP temp interfaces should always leverage a shortcut to that temp interface created in the task folder.
•       Right click base object and select 'Copy'
•       Right click on the Adaptor folder and select 'Paste as shortcut' - the shortcut will appear in that adaptor's 'Interfaces' folder.
Since the standard for shortcuts is to always 'forward' shortcut, we need to make a shortcut in the next adaptor based on this shortcut we just made.
•       Right click the shortcut you just made and select 'Copy'
•       Right click on the next Adaptor folder and select 'Paste as shortcut'
Shortcuts only work if they appear in the task folder where they need to be used.  You need to create another shortcut as follows
•       Right click on the shortcut LKP interface in the 'interfaces' folder of your adaptor then 'Paste as shortcut' in the task folder where it needs to be used
•       Rename the shortcut to follow standard naming convention of using the main interface name as a prefix followed by the _LKP or .LKP name.
•       Create a lookup, select the 'interface' tab and navigate to the task folder and select the LKP shortcut just created

Use Case1:
A task in EBS 11510 adaptor uses a Reusable LKP temp interface specific to EBS.
1.   Create a LKP temp interface in the EBS 11510 Adaptor's 'interface' folder
2.   Create a shortcut of that LKP temp interface in each task folder that needs to use it
3.   Create a lookup in each task folder using the shortcut in the same task folder
4.   Create a shortcut of the original LKP temp interface and paste a copy in the EBS R12 adaptor folder's 'interface' folder
5.   Duplicate the task folder in the EBS 11510 adaptor with shortcuts. Move the duplicated task folder to the EBS R12 adaptor folder.
6.   If the task needs to be materialized for some reason, do not use the option to materialize all objects in the task folder. Instead, materialize the individual objects starting with the lowest level temp interface embedded in another temp interface and work you way up to the SQ temp interface, materialize the SQ temp interface, then the main interface and finally the package. Do not materialize the LKP shortcut.

Use Case 2:
A task in the EBS 11510 must use a reusable LKP temp interface from the SILOS folder
1.   Copy the LKP temp interace in the SILOS adaptor folder and paste as shortcut into the EBS 11510 adaptor folder
2.   Start with step 2 as in Use Case 1

Use Case 3:
A new task is introduced in EBS R1212 that is not based on a shortcut to an earlier adaptor. It needs to use a reusable LKP temp interface from the SILOS folder
If the LKP temp interface has not been used in any prior EBS adaptor, you can skip creating the shortcut in the base folder and instead create a shortcut in the first adaptor folder where it is used (EBS R1212 in this case). Be sure to forward shortcut this LKP temp interface to later adaptors. Continue with step 2 in Use Case 1.

How to shortcut Datastores:

Right click the base datastore and select 'Copy'
•       Right click on the next Model-Submodel and select 'Paste as shortcut'
Since the standard for shortcuts is to always 'forward' shortcut, we need to make a shortcut in the next model based on this shortcut we just made.
•       Right click the shortcut you just made and select 'Copy'

•       Right click on the next Model-Submodel and select 'Paste as shortcut'


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