Friday, February 12, 2016

ODI: ORA-01438 error during folder import

I got an error during the folder import into the other ODI environment.

here is the error 

  • ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allows for this column
Below screenshot poped up during the smart import. If I do normal import ,it simply thrown error with following message in studio logs.
[jps] [WARNING] [JPS-00167] [oracle.jps.common] [tid: 12] [ecid: 0000LB6ANovDCgpLoQo2yY1MiUN1000001,0] Invalid xml content was found. SchemaLocation: schemaLocation value = '' must have even number of URI's. Location: line 2 column 272.

In my code I have large procedure where it is inserting some data onto SNP_TXT_CROSSR table in the odi work repository.

STRING_POS column the SNP_TXT_CROSSR table is defined with NUMBER(5) in odi work repository.

but my procedure some how inserting 6 digit value into that column during the import process.Hence it thrown exceeding precision value error.

So I had to alter this column to extend the precision value to 10.


that resolved my issue.

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